Looking to lose weight and give your body what it craves? Then try “chlorella” with this weightloss drink


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Chlorella – the number one super food that treats cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, ulcers, Crohns, asthma, diabetes, the list is endless.

If you haven’t heard of it, then you must be missing out on a lot of other things.It’s an algae that comes in the form of capsules, powder or tablets and is known as a superfood as well as natures multivitamin. Once you take Chlorella, you’ll never want to go without it.

The best way to take it is in powder form with your favourite drink.

I know we’ve just gone into 2016 and if you’re like me, you want to drop a few kilo’s.

So, I’ve put together great filling smoothie recipe. All you need to do is swap it out with one of your meals.

Your perfect healthy weightloss smoothie recipe


2 cups fresh kale
Two cups raspberries
2 cups almond milk (unsweetened)
1 banana
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 tablespoons almond nut butter
1/4 cup rolled oats


Blend the kale and almond milk until smooth.
Add the remaining ingredients, and blend until smoothie.
Chlorella: Add 1-2 teaspoons (3-4 g) for adults, 1 (1-2 g) teaspoon for children.
Pour the smoothie from your blender into a protein shake bottle and enjoy!

Tip: For a refreshing cold smoothie, use frozen fruit or add four ice cubes to the ingredients.

If you don’t want to add chlorella to your smoothie, you can add it to your water or juice or sprinkle it onto cereal or yoghurt.

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