Start A Toy Making Business

toy making business

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The toy making business is a relatively easy business to start. Women dominate the manufacturing industry even though, men are slowly becoming coming in. It doesn’t require large capital to start and can be very profitable. You need to know how to start, develop a business plan and also know market potential and machinery required.

toy making business

Why a toy making business?

There’s always a market for toys particularly soft toys. They are one of the few items that will always be relevant. The style and quality of soft toys may change with time but most kids at one time or another will be attached to them.
The product variants of soft toys are unlimited. They range from wildlife and extinct animals to pets, sea creatures, exotic creatures… the list is endless.

What does it take?

Firstly, as attractive as a soft toy making business proposition may sound, you have to have passion. Yes, it is a simple business to start but if you want to succeed, you have to love what you do.

Secondly, you don’t need to set up office. You can start from home and once your brand is established and profit increases, you could move your workspace in commercial areas.

Lastly, the capital you need to start this business is extremely low. Even if you want to start big, it’s better to test the waters before you invest too much.

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What tools do you need?

Since you’re starting out from home, the following tools will be enough:

Sewing Machine
Raw materials – Fabric, acrylic furs, ornamentation items.
Basic tools such as scissors, tape, needles, threads, etc.
Packing Materials
A space of 250 Sq ft or more is enough to start soft toy manufacturing from home.

If you want to start with a bigger investment, look for semi automatic or automatic machines which are readily available in the market. If you can’t find them in your country, you can always source from China.

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