Is your inbox out of control?


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When you have lots of emails coming through it’s easy to fall for the oldest tricks in the book, which can breach the security walls you’ve put in place. But, what makes some of the links in your emails bad? What’s the worst that can happen if you click on a bad link? And, how can you get covered in case of loss?

Well, most spam is sent by legitimate companies to advertise products and services. However, some of the spam could be money transfer scams, job offer scams, lottery win scams, advance fee fraud or phishing scams which are all easier to recognise than viruses. Let’s take a closer look at viruses can do.


What’s the worst that could happen if you click on a bad link?

The last thing you would want on your computer after clicking on a bad link in an email is a virus, especially if you don’t have insurance. Viruses aren’t easy to avoid because sometimes they come from ‘known’ sources. Once activated, a virus could cause irreparable damage to your computer. It can also send copies of itself to not only the people in your address book but to millions of other people too.

Luckily, properly installed antivirus programs quarantine viruses before they cause damage. This is why it’s important to not only update your antivirus but ensure that it’s set to check all incoming mail. And, if suspicious emails still come through, don’t open their attachments even when they are from people you know. Viruses usually get email addresses from the last victims’ address books.

How can you get covered in case of loss?

Cybercrime is a reality and a risk that can’t be ignored. That’s why King Price cybersure covers business computer systems, software and data, and also protects businesses against liability arising from cyber-attacks on these assets. Click here to read more about their insurance cover.

What’s more, the king wants you to enter into a lucky draw to win a share of R 1 million in Bitcoin or cash, in March 2018. All you have to do is play the cybersure game (space invaders’ style) and, after completing all 3 levels, you could be a winner. Click here to play.

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