4 Best Apps to Organise Your Day

4 Best Apps to Organise Your Day

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With a lot of different job assignments, family responsibilities, and social events, it’s hard to keep track of everything you have to do. If you don’t have a system to keep track of everything, you’re likely to forget about some of your obligations. Thankfully, you live in a time when smartphone apps can help you organise your day!

An increased level of organization in your personal and professional life can have a tremendous effect on your mood. More than anything, it will help reduce your stress levels. With overwhelming stress out of the way, you will be ready for new challenges, no matter what they are. Here are some of the best organizational apps available today.


Any.do is an organizational app available on both iOS and Android. It basically represents a to-do list and calendar in one. The idea behind this application is pretty simple. You can create lists, which contain tasks. You can add subtasks to each task you have. On top of that, you can give tasks due dates, include attachments, notes, labels, and other important details.

This app also offers some unique features, like Focus Mode and Any.do Moment. The latter refers to a feature that encourages you to complete your tasks by playing an audio tone that urges you to make a decision quickly. You will be presented with the option of either doing the task right away or scheduling the exact day and time when you’ll do it.

Meanwhile, Focus Mode rewards you when you don’t use other apps on your smartphone. When you enter this mode, you set an amount of time during which you want to stay focused. During this time, a small tree will start growing on your screen. In case you don’t use your smartphone during your focus session, the tree will grow. When you complete each session without using your smartphone, a tree will get saved and placed in your forest.


Todoist is one of the most popular organizational smartphone apps. It is available for both Android and iOS. Since this is a cloud-based service, all of the information you put in will get automatically synced to any device you install this app on. Todoist boasts a simple interface that makes it easy for you to stay organised.

To start using this app, your first step is to create projects, which you can group however you want. Each project contains tasks, which can include details like priority ratings, due dates, and comments. Every task you create can have a subtask. Once you create several tasks, you can make a custom filter that will help you determine what you should start working on first. Todoist will send you reminders to finish tasks when necessary. You can choose to receive these notifications via email or SMS. There is also an option of receiving location-based reminders.

Things 3

Things 3 is one of the best organizational apps, available exclusively on iOS devices. It features an exceptionally simple and elegant design. Some of the most essential features at your disposal include due dates, reminders, and tags for your tasks. Your tasks will be filtered in different groups depending on the due date you set for each one.

You’ll have an overview of tasks you have to finish today and in the next few days. You can also view some of the tasks that won’t ever be urgent but that you’d ultimately like to get done. On top of that, you have a Logbook filter that allows you to see all of the tasks you successfully completed.


Wunderlist is an amazing to-do list app available for both Android and iOS devices. One of the main advantages of this app is that it’s incredibly easy to use. You have the option of creating lists that you can group into different folders. Every task you add can have comments, attachments, assignees, reminders, due dates, and subtasks. There is also the option of adding a star to each important task you have. The great thing about this app is that you can even invite other people to your lists and collaborate with them.

Final Thoughts

Organizational apps may be a simple way to get your life in order and experience a happy start to each week. Using any of the aforementioned applications will surely help keep your life organised. The fact that they’ll help you deal with less stress in your life means that these apps will have a positive effect on your mood and overall health.

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