8 Things Every Retailer Preparing for Christmas Needs To Do


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It’s December, and if you’re a retailer, you know this can only mean one thing: it’s time to ramp up your holiday planning. If your sales are slow so far, here are several key tasks you should complete before the Christmas season ends. Check them out below and see if you need to add anything to your to-do list.

1. Change your displays

Make sure your displays (i.e., window and in-store displays, shop layouts) can grab attention and entice people to buy.

Lights – Invest in good lighting that makes your displays pop. If possible, use white lights to generate interest.

Signage – “Sale” signs are pretty standard, and you should definitely have them in your signage mix. But be sure to throw in unique messages and signs to get the attention of holiday shoppers.

2. Rearrange if you can

All your gift items and holiday-themed merchandise should be visible. The same goes for gift cards. Encourage your staff to promote holiday-centric gift cards. Gift cards are especially popular during the Christmas season, and they’re great for your bottom line.

3. Make your website scream “holiday”

Ensure your website is holiday-centric. For instance, you could display Christmas-themed banners. And , don’t forget the “For Her” or “Gifts under”. Consider doing the same thing on your website.

If you’re running seasonal promotions, ensure that your website visitors can access and redeem your offers easily.

4. Hire more staff

The quickest way you can do this at this time is by re-hiring previous employees, and asking for referrals.

6. Value added service

Don’t forget to wrap gifts for your customers. You can also have a gift wrapping counter where they can wrap for themselves.

7. Tighten up security

The holidays bring more traffic, but this could also mean more opportunities for theft. So, set and review the right user permissions. You should also be vigilant when it comes to who can process voided sales, as this is a very easy way to steal stock. Also conduct partial inventory counts. This way, you’re able to identify stock discrepancies and theft sooner rather than later.

8. Make sure your changes can handle the rush

Having a solid holiday plan on paper is great, but you risk having things fall apart. So, quickly ensure that your systems can handle the rush. It’s important that you take this step before the crowds descend.

The holiday shopping season is already in full swing yet, but it’s never too late to make changes and improve your returns.

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