Spice up your yoghurt in five healthy ways

Spice up your yoghurt in five healthy ways

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If you’ve ever hung out with colleagues trying to lose weight, you’ve experienced yogurt at its plainest. And because of dieting, I’m all about yoghurt these days.
You see yogurt has a high amount of protein for just a few calories. And because protein helps satisfy hunger, eating it fills you up with less food and fewer calories. Also, it can get pretty boring if you’re eating it the same every morning.

Not to worry – I’ve got some delicious ways stay faithful to your better body breakfast without being bored by it. Enjoy!

Six exciting ways to eat your yoghurt

#1: Oats
Rather than load up on granola, which can be high in sugar and fat, top your yoghurt with rolled oats. They’ll cut down on the fat and sugar without cutting down on the crunchy texture.
#2: Blueberries
Besides managing your weight, one cup serving of blueberries meets 14 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Furthermore, it meets 20 percent of your daily manganese needs. Just toss some fresh blueberries into your yoghurt and you’ve got yourself a fibre- and probiotic-packed bowl of goodness.
#3: Almonds
So simple yet so delectable! Just a handful of almonds is enough for a great punch of protein. You may be surprised at how delicious it is!
#4: Apples
Whether you go the vanilla and honey route or simply cinnamon, apples and yoghurt are a match made in health heaven.
#5: Protein powder
Add a cup of yoghurt and a scoop of chocolate (or any other flavour of your choice) protein powder to your blender and blend until smooth. Can you say pudding for breakfast?!

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